
Become an FSA Member

It pays to be a member of the Florida Staffing Association!

Claim your membership badging to let your clients know that you belong to an organization dedicated to advancing the interests of staffing and recruiting firms and the promotion of high standards of legal, ethical, and professional practices.

Our award winning chapter, of the American Staffing Association, is widely recognized and will be sure to set you apart!



Staffing Company Qualifications
Chevron Up

A business entity actively engaged in providing staffing or recruiting services.

Each individual branch, franchise or licensee in operation must secure its own separate membership and cannot share status with other locations or entities.

Staffing Company Qualifications
Chevron Down

The company applying for Industry Partner membership must be a supplier to the staffing/recruiting industry.

The corporate headquarters must be the joining, dues-paying entity. Branches, franchised, and licensed operations are members through their corporate headquarters.

A firm may not qualify for associate membership if it operates or has any ownership in a staffing company (except ownership of less than 2 percent of a publicly traded company) unless the staffing company is an active member.

FSA members with separate divisions, subsidiaries, or lines of business must enroll those separate operations as dues paying members for those operations to receive FSA benefits.

Staffing Company Qualifications
Chevron Down

A business entity actively engaged in providing staffing or recruiting services.

Each individual branch, franchise or licensee in operation must secure its own separate membership and cannot share status with other locations or entities.

Industry Partner Qualifications
Chevron Down

The company applying for Industry Partner membership must be a supplier to the staffing/recruiting industry.

The corporate headquarters must be the joining, dues-paying entity. Branches, franchised, and licensed operations are members through their corporate headquarters.

A firm may not qualify for associate membership if it operates or has any ownership in a staffing company (except ownership of less than 2 percent of a publicly traded company) unless the staffing company is an active member.

FSA members with separate divisions, subsidiaries, or lines of business must enroll those separate operations as dues paying members for those operations to receive FSA benefits.


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